Why is change so hard?

Indeed, why is it so hard to change?

Why do some people get on the fitness bandwagon while others stay on the couch?

Why do some people turn things around and get out of debt after years or decades of falling further and further behind?

I once heard of a middle-age woman - overweight, high-blood pressure, borderline diabetic - who watched thousands of runners go past her front door one Sunday morning. It was an organized half-marathon event on the west side of Chicago. Somehow she drew inspiration from the hordes of runners and said to herself: "Next year I'm going to do that half-marathon." And she did. I don't know how her story ended, but it's a remarkable example of what ordinary people can do when they get inspired.

So it is with money. Some people just get fed up with their situation and they start a financial half-marathon that takes them to a place where they start realizing their dreams. They learn how to control their money instead of being controlled by it.

If you find yourself on a perpetual financial treadmill and need some inspiration to make a change, take a look at Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover. It’s full of stories of regular people - single moms, young couples, empty-nesters - who are “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” as Ramsey says. Read a few of those stories and you might say to yourself, just like the woman on the westside of Chicago: “I’m going to change.”

If you’re already inspired, but need some help figuring out where to begin, click the “Connect” link at the top of this page and send us a message. We’re available for one-on-one coaching that can help get you moving in the right direction.


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