
Get ready to tackle your money woes

Frequently asked questions

Money can be intimidating. Most of us get thrown into the adult world of money without any training and the results are not pretty. The good news is that with a little guidance you can turn things around. It is possible to gain control of your money and get it working for you instead of against you.

We provide one-on-one coaching focused on practical steps that get you quickly headed in the right direction.

  • It’s up to you. We charge an hourly rate for as many or as few hours as you need. Many people find that a half-dozen sessions over 2-3 months is enough to get them headed in the right direction.

  • Contact us to schedule a free one-hour consultation. After that if you’d like to continue we’ll schedule a first working session where we’ll work together to develop a practical step-by-step plan. The rest is up to you. Come back for as may sessions as you need.

  • We accept Venmo and Zelle.